

MAKING DISCIPLES ... Restoring the foundations ... training LEADERS for KINGDOM ADVANCEMENT!

Ministry Affiliations

The Living Room Ministry Project values Godly associations and partnerships. In fact, we understand that in order to fulfill the assignment God has given us, He has orchestrated specific relationships for this season for the purpose of agreement, resources, and blessing. The following organizations represent some of the key relationships we are aligned and partnered with for such a time as this.

charis bible studies

We are honored and proud to be connected with Charis Bible College, and Charis Bible Studies. These studies are paramount to Godly discipleship. To have access to the many resources and materials offered by Charis and Andrew Wommack Ministries is a blessing, and serves as a cornerstone of our ministry. 

ARMI Ministry network

It is good and pleasant to dwell (walk) together in unity with like-minded believers. This non-denominational fellowship provides support to ministries all over the world. We are blessed to be yoked with ARMI (The Associaton of Related Ministries International), an extension of AWMI and Charis Bible College.


More than ever before, Christian believers must engage in turning our nation back to God, and the principles upon which it was founded. We are proud to be aligned with Patriot Academy, Constitution Coaches, and other organizations in educating, training, and exhorting the Body of Christ to step into its leadership role in culture.