Building People,Training Leaders,and Taking Ministry to the Marketplace 

The Living Room is a safe and unique environment where you can connect with others, grow your personal and leadership capacity, be activated for impact and influence, and experience God in a new and very powerful way.

A Fresh and Meaningful Way To Engage With Other
Believers in Bible Study, Personal Development,
Worship, and Fellowship

Thousands of Christ-followers all over the world are hungry for true, New Testament fellowship that is focused on BUILDING PEOPLE in their faith, confidence, leadership, and influence in the community.

The Living Room is a gathering of individuals from every walk of life who have a desire to know God, learn together, grow in abundance, fellowship with like-minded believers, and support one another in life, business, and their personal leadership endeavors. It is organic, authentic, intentional, and different ... ON PURPOSE!



Study God's Word

The foundation of all success is being deeply grounded in God's Word. The principles, wisdom, strategies, and spiritual laws contained in the Bible unlock the limitless possibilities promised to us in the New Covenant, and provide us access to supernatural insight and resources which position us to be salt and light (influencers) in this world.

The LR movement is dedicated to the systematic teaching of God's Word and the equipping and empowering of His people.


Train for Influence

A key focus of The Living Room is to train, equip, mentor, and activate each individual. We believe that every person has unique gifts and abilities that qualify and position them to make a significant difference.

Our world is in desperate need of Godly leadership in all areas of culture.

The Strategic Living Institute, (an extension of the Living Room), offers life, leadership, success, business, and personal development courses for all ages.


Engage in Authentic Relationships

In a world rife with isolation, loneliness, disconnectedness, and division, we recognize that what people long for is true and authentic relationships and life-giving connections.

There is something special about the proximity and intimacy one experiences in a "Living Room"

environment. This is where family and friends come together, share their lives with one another, encourage one another, and engage in deep relationships centered in the Father's Love and Grace.


Worship Together

There is nothing more powerful than to experience God's tangible presence in the context of corporate worship.

The Bible tells us that ... "He inhabits the praises of His people". As we willfully and joyfully gather together with the sole purpose of raising our praise towards heaven, God is compelled to join us in "The Living Room"!

There is a new and fresh worship movement taking place all over the world. At the LR we are committed to creating an atmosphere that is welcoming for all, but especially for the ONE for whom we have gathered.


Values are the individual or corporate beliefs that motivate people or organizations to act one way or another. They serve as a guide for behavior, and ultimately govern the decision making processes that produce outcomes, culture, effectiveness, and success in one's life or business.

These are our guiding values:


We reject the "me-centered" emphasis that currently dominates the church landscape. Our quest is to know HIM and make Him known in all the earth, therefore we choose to draw near to Him, knowing He will in turn draw near to us.

Relational vs. Institutional

The institutional model emphasizes large gatherings, expensive buildings, and a hierarchical approach to ministry in the Body. The Living Roommodel emphasizes our deep need to be connected in a symbiotic relationship, one with another.

Discipleship and Personal Development

Every Christ-follower should have as his/her goal to be deeply grounded in God's Word, and to be consistently focused on developing their gifts, talents, and unique abilities for the application of their God-given purpose and assignment.

A Biblical Worldview

In a world where subjectivity and moral relativism shapeour conversations and our culture, we value God's Word (the Bible) as being the only real source for truth, justice, and hope. We seek to know, understand, and live by the spiritual laws, values, and success principles contained in this timeless and inspired Book.

The Invitation

If you are looking for meaningful connection with others who love God, have a desire to grow in His Word and in their personal lives, are committed to being developed as a leaders and influencers, and are determined to live lives of abundance and significance, then we invite you to join us in "The Living Room".

Dallas, TX., United States

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