
711 W Main St., #128
Ovilla, TX 75154


(469) 225-0095

Welcome to The Living Room

We at The Living Room invite you to JOIN with us AS WE STUDY GOD'S WORD, BECOME TRUE DISCIPLES, and discover and engage god's plans and purposes for our lives!

You will discover many exciting opportunities at The Living Room. Our website is just the introduction to the spirit of our church, and to the mission for which God has called us.

Our goal is to disciple believers in God's Word, train and equip them for the work of the ministry (Kingdom influence in the 7 Mountains of Culture), and minister to our communities, states, and the nations of the world.

We want you to feel at home and comfortable here. We are not looking for members. In fact, if you are a member of a local church body, we encourage you to continue that relationship and support that church with your attendance and finances.

We are here to make disciples! For those who are tired of religion, hungry for revival, and have a desire to grow in God's Word, The Living Room is for you. Our desire is to come alongside you and your family and be an added resource and blessing. 

We are all a part of the His Body, and are pleased to welcome you as we follow Christ.

There’s a place for you here at The Living Room.